This week marked another milestone. Surgery? (check) Red Devil Chemo? (check) Taxol Chemo w/mind bending, cry me a river puhleaze - steroids? (check) Radiation? (whoa - wait – what – Radiation???) And - what do you mean you need tattoos? For what?
Wwweeelll – ok – I could see a tattoo in her future… Well – Tracy did not get what I was expecting. I sort of was expecting something like (right), and what she came out with was (left). Oh well – it’s still a set of tattoos even though they are blue, really small, and can't be seen when she reaches for the top-shelf. The other change was going into the office today (Thursday) rather than taking a half day of vacation and then doing a half day WfH. What this also means is that unlike the Chemo Pod, I really can't go into the room with the linear accelerator. Being on the outside looking in for the first time in six months is a definite shift. Changes they are a comin’ ..
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