Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Whoa! I Am Woman!

So did Helen Reddy really come up with that?  These past few weeks I have had to rely on my verbal mantras of oh yeah I kicked cancer's ass!  I have been a little overwhelmed by getting back to a regular pace at work, and helping with my mother's transition home.  She went home on Thursday afternoon January 26, 2012.  That's good news so I just trying to keep that in mind when dealing with all the at home services for her transition and her new normal.  Don't worry I am still working on my new normal.  Told my girlfriend Deborah today I created my own patient portal by taking a picture of my left side and sending it to one of my providers.  Still have the oozing and my desire to not need a revision on the left remains possible if they say so.  A little revision is not a big deal but nonetheless I want to move on from procedures.  I have bit of a battle in my head at this time and I'm doing my darndest to push on through.  I have some battling buddies, and all the head stuff does come up more and more often for all of us.  They are such helpful sounding boards for all the stuff they know about from their experiences.  There are so many milestones.  Some more grueling than others.  Lots of stuff rattling around right now and I'm arranging all the pieces of my puzzle.  I'll have to find another song though 'cause I really don't care for Helen Reddy!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Stamina Schmamina

Geez it's been something getting back to work.  Attempting to do part-time for the full-time job is hard as you all know.  Throw in the crazy emotions, the body still healing, anniversaries of other patients passings, and my mother still recovering - well it's been a humdinger of a couple of weeks.  I have accepted that my mind is ahead of my body.  That hasn't seemed to have changed throughout most of this challenge.  So I am doing some internal wrangling right now.  So much in my head, and I still need so much rest.  One day at a time and sometimes just one hour at a time.  I am still checking items off the list: I have gone five days without the compression top; I have gone the last two weekends without needing chemical aid to sleep; I don't swell after everytime I drive.  These are huge items to check off and they are all wonderful ones to remind myself of when some other piece to this medical puzzle kicks me around. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Back To Work

Left shortly after six this morning to be able to meet with employee health first thing.  Got my hall pass from that department, then off to morning meetings to get brought up to speed on all the goings on.  Got unexpectedly buried at one of three offices and then kicked out by my boss.  She was sweet to say I was on a timer to get out the door for my "part time" day.  What a great group of folks who have supported me during all of this.  I'll get to see all the rest of them tomorrow and that will be great!  I am going to do part time hours for these first two weeks and get back to the full time shuffle after that.  Feel asleep as soon as I got home.  As you know I haven't napped along the way, but today I couldn't keep my eyes open.  I am heading to bed shortly and regenerate energy for another day.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Back To Blonde

Got my wonky hair done after getting the seal of approval from Dr. Marble.  She and her assistant Sue are just two of the amazing people I keep writing about.  How well I am cared for and how much they mean to me is sometimes hard to write about.  As I approach the other side of this life challenge I leave all the crappy parts behind me and take all the wonderful people with me in my heart and soul.  It helps me march forward standing up straight compression tops and all.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Soothing Sunday

Got a good night's sleep.  Got some chores done!  Hey that is a big feat quite frankly.  Keeping my dressings changed regularly and staying on course for a visit to Dr. Marble this week.  I am sending good vibes to Matt who has been hospitalized on and off this past month.  His wife Megan has been sleeping in the room's recliner for 11 nights.  Just when you think the day started off on the wrong foot, you just have to remember so many others have a tremendous struggle to get through theirs.  Wishing everyone soothing days.

Friday, January 6, 2012

No Frolicking Friday

Not doing any jigs yet.  Still have some bleeding and oozing so trying to lay a little lower.  Just getting in a good protein diet, lots of water, and good rest.  I had scheduled a massage for tomorrow but will postpone it until I can really enjoy having the service.  Shouldn't be long now.  Mum is still in rehab, and trying to built stamina.  Her left knee is still giving her trouble so the pace remains the same for both of us, slow and steady.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tuesday. Check. Check.

Got to see Dr. Marble and Sue today.  Always good for the female heart.  They know Bill well by now so they can exchange stories of cooking for the holidays and caregiving like I wasn't even in the room.  LOL!  I received my hall pass for another two weeks.  She'll see me again, and of course I have every intention of laying low like she told me and making sure I avoid the OR at the next appointment as well.  It was weird because when we arrived today, we were politely waiting in the waiting room and another patient came out to tell her husband she needed to go back to the OR tomorrow for her revision.  I quitely began my inner voice mantra of "Not me.  Not my story.  I won't need a revision."  Power to the positive!  So on with the antibiotics and I will just enjoy the extra yogurt in the power smoothies Bill makes for me.  Let's see I'll start tomorrow with a blueberry peach mango combo....

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!

Wishing everyone a healthy, happy 2012!  We did get to see the Dover crowd for a short trip on New Year's Eve. It was wonderful to see the gang. Even though we didn't stay until the ball dropped we had a good visit, good food, and great company! I am totally planning on good news upon my return to the plastic surgeon tomorrow (Tuesday.)  I have been taking my antibiotics and getting as much rest as I can.  I hope Dr. Marble sees improvement with my diminished oozing!  My mom remains in rehab, her leg is better, and therapy to build her stamina continues.  Things are going in a good direction so far for this new year.