Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dr. Hammond Knows

Saw Dr. Hammond last Thursday for my appointment before chemo.  My levels are good.  Why am I so off?  With is wise smile, full of compassion he tells me it's not the chemo it's the oral drug I need to take for the next 5 years.  Of course all of this was reveiwed before the protocol began.  The drug, the significant side effects...  I know I've said it before but I can't quite convey what getting this shocking diagnosis does to you.  I have put my head and heart into the game to beat it full tilt.  I listen to all the information, read the data, read the supporting documents and absorb. Even with each protocol I have tried to approach each one, each time or day with positive thoughts and decent humor.   Each time I take on one more piece to this treatment though it does require mind reshuffling.  I am regrouping and finding my positive thoughts.  I do need a positive powwow and will be planning it shortly.  Meanwhile you have continued to hit my site during my silence.  Almost 11,000 views and I hold them dear.  Forgive my periods of silence.  Some days I need to hold onto all my energy for my warrior moments.  I do hold you all so dear and your continued support means EVERYTHING.  This is a long long time to do treatment but I am so grateful you follow along as I continue the trial drug and have started the 5 year protocol.  I'll take all the positive vibes you can spare.  I'm thinking of creating my own medicine man pouch to carry them all with me.  Maybe the pouch and a flask.  What!?  I can have a drink every once in awhile.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Who Knows

I'm quite sure I don't.  I am usually really on a good upswing by the time I hit another chemo session but it just didn't happen for me this time.  I ran a slight temp this week and stayed home from work yesterday - Tuesday.  Been pretty squirrely, tired and emotional.  I remind myself constantly how good I'm doing and once again try to cut myself some slack.  That goes for Bill as well.  He's in this with me and he has walls he hits too, but just doesn't want me to know it or worry.  We'll just love each other a little extra this week.  It's a full moon so that could explain a lot right?  LOL!  I have my feet up for the start of game seven of Boston Bruins against Vancouver Canucks.  The crowd is cheering the team onto the ice so off I go.  My meds kick in soon so I hope to see the winning Bruins goal before my eyes close.  GO BRUINS!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Star To Me

Howdy.  I am attaching a link to NH Chronicle.  I had a little cameo appearance in this segment.  My credit is Tracy Pelletier "Cancer Patient."   Dr. Gary Proulx my radiation oncologist took a comedy class - yup - and this follows him along with another featured classmate. We laughed because there are some very quick wits in radiation but all of them were camera shy.  When I came walking in they were "Hey Tracy NH Chronicle is here doing a segment on Dr. Proulx and they are looking for a patient to interview - wanna?"  Dr. Proulx does a lot for me so who could say no!  My 15 seconds of fame!