Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Clearing Snow and Clearing Chi

Wow! Well the birds have been at the feeders at full tilt. Bill has been wearing out parts on the snowblower. I have been hunkered down at home, logged in and doing what I can. My arms and right leg are full of pins and needles and at night it sneaks over to add my left foot. I've added acupuncture to my routine to help with these sensations. My surgical arm has been staying colder when in use. Perhaps clearing my chi and helping things to flow better through my meridians will give me some relief. Learning all the new pieces to power healing through acupuncture and going after adding some feeling back in my right upper torso over these next few weeks. Ironic to use needles to rid the pins and needle chemo reaction. Working on my imbalanced energy flow by using this exciting new wonderfully positive and relaxing method.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you're finding a positive and relaxing method for your pain! Keep harnessing your Chi and hope for beautiful weather to come your way! Love and miss you Tracy!


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