Hopefully no more steroids for some time to come. The aftermath of any- not just my last Taxol treatment can really kick my behind and this weekend was no exception. I can generally get through the Friday and we had a great visit with Janet, Bob, Maureen, Dave, Gary and Sheals. A fun night of banter and laughs. Both the kids checked in during coherent hours. Saturday and Sunday had me dissolved and Bill lovingly picks up the pieces and props me up and doles out the meds. Nobody can deliver more gentle kisses and hugs to keep me restrained body and soul from the steroid ledge of loss of control. Today my office was closed and it was helpful to have another day to pull myself together. I went to acupuncture to keep working on the numbness to my upper right torso. A soothing hour where I can almost fall asleep and let things go. Tomorrow I head into the Radiation Oncology side of treatment planning. I'll get my mapping/simulation tatoos completed and get the low down on what's expected from my body over the next 10 weeks or so. It starts with rest. Then they'll have to approve my EKG and ECHO this Thursday. Then more bloodwork on Monday and another blessing from Dr Hammond to be handed off to Dr Proulx. I look forward to meeting the next group of radiation warriors who will walk into battle with me.
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