Yup! Jumped right out of my chair yesterday at lunch. I had my beautiful Cara Cara oranges, not too sharp of a knife ('cause you know Bill would bust me) to get me going along with most of the peel and bam! I thought I was gently pulling apart the sections when I realized I had caught my left pinkie in the soft skin of the orange and back it went. Ok it was the one that was coming off ahead of the pack anyway, but geez louise it took me a minute to get my heart rate down. Kari peeled the rest of the oranges for me and got me a bandaid. Then I cut that sucker back as far as I could without making my own skin crawl. A gentle emery board is added to my routine twice a day. I was doing the nails at night, but now at night there is more that recedes while I sleep so a buffing in the morning is a necessity. I am using gloves in all kinds of ways these days. Dr Hammond or Lisa Sweatt will be checking me on Thursday so I need to be buffed to a dull roar to pass muster. My mantra remains I don't need them to get me to great health. So I won't be looking for the new spring colors from Sally Hansen or purchasing any press on nails.
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