Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Well it's been a challenging couple of weeks.  We buried my mother just the other day and we'll continue to support my dad as we march down the path of life.  He is doing well.  He is swimming three days a week again and is progressing with making his new normal. 
I have continued with wound care.  Each week has brought me a little closer to no open wounds.  The picture is of the ointments, bandages, and skin care liquids that I have broken out  twice a day.  The wound on my right stalled according to Dr. Kelly on Monday.  By now if you have followed along that means I get a trip back to someone else.  I saw Dr. Marble yesterday.  We talked briefly about more time taking care of the wound or being in a place to get the revision.  Wound care did well by me as it brought me forward enough to not end up in the OR again.  Dr. Marble thought a couple of stiches and I'd be on my way - or would I like to think about it and come back another day with Bill?  Nope had my boot straps pulled up, took the local numbing shots, and 4 stiches later I was done.  My wound care is a little different for the stiches, a simple process of bacitracin and clean dressing.  I can have a shower tomorrow and back to see Dr. Marble on a weekly basis until healed.  All good stuff. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

My Mother's Passing

Well it was true Hyder Family Hospice House was the place my mother needed to be.  It was the place my family needed to be.  A person fully involved from head to toe with cancer needs folks who understand the way to care for them.  They care not just medically but also whole heartedly.  The staffs who work there have a special calling to work only with folks who are facing the end of life.  As one of the families that faced end of life with a loved one it can truly be said that it was made easier with their help.  They provide dignity, compassion, and caring right through the process of the loved one leaving the building.  We were so fortunate to have our mom as long as we did.  She lived a good life with a great man and a great family.  Can't ask for more than that.  We know she rests in peace.  Thank you all for your love and support.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Well What Do We Have Here?

Oncology has told me to watch out for accidents with my hands and feet from the neuropathy.  I was ironing the other morning and never even knew I had burned myself until I was washing my hands and noticed a large welt.  It certainly surprised me.  I (and Bill) have kept a very close eye on things in general regarding my neuropathy.  I have essentially felt the side effects with my walking, some balance issues, and the pins and needles.  Oh the pins and needles.  They can seem endless some days.  And as I have written the cold makes me feel like a stooped over old woman.  I have some tricks left in my little cabinet and have put my leftover Calendula Gel into action.  I started applying twice a day for the burn.  On the mend for the hand!
 I'm super tired as the last two days have been most stressful.  My mom still had uncontrolled pain and we were able to connect with the Dover Hospice group who are more connected to the Dover facilities.  The Hyder Family Hospice House had a bed available yesterday and they were able to arrange her transfer last night.  She was in terrible pain and the team went to work to get her cocktail just right.  She needed to have a morphine pump inserted into her back.  She was resting much more comfortably tonight, but not able to communicate.  My sister told her she had been snoring as loud as my dad and she smiled ever so slightly.  We pray for mercy and a speedy passing.  Thank you all again for all the support.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Pull A Rabbit Out Of My Hat...

No... just a need for pulling out something from the good vibes bag that my sweet cousin Janet put together for me.  It's been a quick week since my last post.  A difficult one.  My wound care is going well and I will continue with Dr. Kelley for a few more weeks.  She switched out the type of gauze I use over the ointment to a moist gauze to keep the beautiful little skin cells happy with regeneration.  If it's too dry it makes it too hard for them to come together.  One has to find the happy medium of not too dry and not too wet.  Your skin can't looks like you just took a nice long tub.  They of course use terms like "we don't want your gauze to migrate" = move around; and "your skin should not look mascerated" = too white & prune like after the tub.  This week was particularly challenging as my mom had a bad episode with pain and needed to be placed in a facility to help control it.  She is currently as Rochester Manor.  It was shocking to find that when she needed a bed one could not be found unless we wanted to her to be placed an hour away in Concord NH.  NOT feasible.  Childhood friend Jenn Manning to the rescue.  I called her and she helped us wrangle it all together.  God bless Jenn.  Thank you again for reaching out to us.  Your notes, emails, cards, calls, visits, hugs, kisses, and always the good vibes keep us well supported.  It's truly what is needed.