Tomorrow I have a later start so I can sleep in a little bit. I have to be in the pod through lunch and the massage therapist has me on the schedule to boot. The massage is always good for soothing muscles and nerve endings with pins and needles. My girlfriend Deborah - who is a scrapbooker extraordinaire -made me these little snack bags to take with me. One day my snacks disappeared from the oncology fridge by accident of another patient's caregiver. So my special bags will preserve whatever I choose to bring. Actual strength and courage I have to plow through another session. Tomorrow at this time I'll have another session off the checklist.
7 has always been a favorite number of mine, too. Grew up at #7 alongside my most very special friend! Snacks are also high on my list and custom treat bags make them all the better. So glad another Thursday is behind you and looking forward to spending some time together on the weekend. Stay as amazingly positive as you always are. Love you!