So I had a very successful morning at Oncology working on the puzzle table that they keep going. Almost got it done. Of course that meant they were "reviewing" my labs and there were multiple blood pressures taken every which way, weighed and and reweighed - then more waiting. They made the decision before I got the puzzle done to not give me chemo today. Because of my participation in the trial everything gets scrutinized and must stay within the parameters of the trial. My liver function levels came back elevated slightly but enough to delay chemo until Monday. As you can imagine it takes a lot to get your head on straight and fight this fight each week so a delay knocks me down a peg or two mentally. I am regrouping my thoughts to spin me back up. It's ONLY a minor delay, and it's ONLY because of the trial parameters so if no one has figured out the puzzle by Monday it's mine to complete. I'll be back there and ready to go.
A disappointment for sure, but it sounds like you are taking it in stride. A little mind shift on Thursday instead of chemicals. You're still over the chemo hump and working your way down! Wahoo!