Friday, January 7, 2011

Day After Midway Baby Sweet Compliant Baby

Well it's still true no sleep during the night when coming home from Taxol. Steriods are as tweaked as they can be so I might as well save the sleep assistance for other days. I am developing a new routine to figure it out, and like a baby, trying to get my body to go along with the routine I create. Last night I stayed up until about midnight watching the ABC segments and then on to Chelsea Lately. I still crawled into bed, smooched my sleeping guy, and then turned on Pandora from my Blackberry. That lasted until about 3ish, got up and made a bathroom run, got a drink of water and then tried to sleep. Got a dozing in around 5-6. I made myself an Ensure shake this morning and no amount of coffee ice cream and Hershey's syrup can make that stuff better. I figured out why I have such a turning up of the nose at it - it reminds me exactly of baby formula. So it's baby steps for me while I continue to bring more protein and antioxidants into my diet, keep hydrated, and keep all systems go. I am actually thinking of trying brussel sprouts next. Emeril has a good recipe. We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. You should have called me, I was up roaming around, seeing what there was to snack on, I think Art hides his candy on me. Your ensure doesn't sound tempting, best place for that is the recycling bin. Half way on the Taxol, don't usually wish time away but I do. Calendar check marks are looking good. The Mother-in-law...


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