Sunday, March 4, 2012

Power In The Universe

I knew there was a reason Tuesday seemed so powerful, Matt cannot receive anymore treatment, Joanne lost her 5th battle with cancer, and my mom was diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer.  It has been an emotionally draining week. 

Bill was in San Fransico for a conference and wasn't due back until Saturday afternoon.  He came back early on Friday to surprise me and as always provide emotional support.  Just a hug from him makes me feel better. 

My brother, sister and I met with my mom and dad yesterday to go over all the results of her past two weeks of testing.  Even though mom has been a life long smoker it was hard to hear the words.  In addition to her cancer, she was also found to have a "catastrophic aneurysm" in her aorta.  Her cancer is so advanced there will not be any further medical intervention. 

The family hopes to keep mom at home as long as possible.  She has numerous allergies to pain meds so we will be looking to the medical team and hospice to come up with the best cocktail for her to keep her pain free. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry for your sad news Tracy... sending you hugs and love.


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