Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I Told Me So

Got an initial good report from my full breast ultra sound with Dr. Ras today.  Call me Alex he said.  Great easy manner with the full explanation of why we pursued this route, how he would proceed, not expecting to find anything, but what would happen if he did.  Amy was his assistant in the room.  Yet another wonderful, easy going manner.  Both good personalities to help ease Bill and I through the procedure.  I was in good mental shape getting prepped for today, but still I wanted to be able to set this aside as a confirmed milestone.  I didn't really sleep much last night but I'll catch up tonight.  The loss of sleep this time was more from excitement of having told myself over and over again - I'm in good health.  Bill and I will meet with Dr. McKee tomorrow afternoon to make the next surgical plan!  He will tell us again what he noted before - I am in great shape.  I need to keep myself healthy to get to surgery.  So you all know that's what I'll do.


  1. Happy, happy news!! Hopefully, you know what we will all continue to do which is be firmly in your corner cheering you forward. xo


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