As you may have read, @TracyBP (yes, she is on Twitter, as am I @awpiii) has been having issues with persistent low-grade infections.
As for myself, I have been – at least up until now – somewhat immune to any seasonal vagaries of the upper respiratory system.
Earlier this week however, I developed a faintly familiar feeling, which has now developed into a full blown cold with the associated aches, low-grade fevers, snuffles, explosive sneezing, and fuzzy head syndrome.

Near as I can tell, the only thing which has changed is that since the end of August, I have been going to Synergy Health to work out just about every morning from 5AM to 6:30 AM on weekdays, and a little later on either Saturday or Sunday.
Obviously this “work out” crap is not good for you and I may need to rethink this whole “get healthy” strategy.
Also – I am finding myself unconsciously thinking in Austrian, and looking for things to lift up and then put back down.
Not sure why… (No, Maureen, the pic is *not* me. My hair isn't that long and I haven't been waxed recently)
Anyway, when we arrived home today we broke out our stash of surgical masks and hand sanitizer for use until the snot season is over. Also - as soon as we run out of our stash of Federally Regulated NyQuil, I am opting for the new Knob Creek flavored variation.
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