Bill here...
The Jeff Foxworthy joke goes something like this: “If you mow your front yard and you find a car, You may be a Redneck…” The Tracy-corollary is: “If you cut off all of your hair and you find a set of Viking horns, You may be a Chemo patient…”

My high point today – learning how to pronounce “Bevacizumab”. (think: Beelzebub” – and if that one confounds you – sing the words (to yourself, please) to Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody… ) It’s trade name is “Avastin” (think: Piratespeak), and is the primary component of a Stage III clinical trial we (there I go again with the “we” thing) opted into today. If you have trouble getting to sleep, click here:
Our collective low-point was learning that we need to push our start date out ANOTHER WEEK!!! Arrrggghhh! (See "Avastin - above...). Aparently this stuff is custom made to order and not done at EH, but shipped in. Crap. The planning is more involved for the extra med. Planning in general is the name of the game.
Cute Viking hat, don't wear it to bed or some one is going to get poked in the eye, ha, from the crazy in-law mother Gloria...