I'll get measured for a compression sleeve today. Evidently there are fashion sleeves to choose from - a funny little cancer clothes fact... I also have my echocardiogram (heart ultrasound) scheduled today. I had another humdinger PT session yesterday. My therapist Nancy is really working on getting my surgical arm to respond. The quivering later in the day continues but I can feel more of it now rather than just see it - which is a very good sign. I have some atrophy but this is not unusual and Nancy had me work with light weights yesterday. Watch out 'cause I'll be able to use my popeye arms before too long! I have a couple of pages of instructions for exercise that need to be worked on 5 times a day. Hmm... time it with my bathroom breaks or snack breaks they tell me. I have to continue to push fluids and keep my diet on the high protein, low carb track. More items to complete to build my strength before heading to chemo. Working on it.
I better watch out! By the time I'm back home you are going to be jacked! I can only imagine that this is how you're going to look:
Keep up the positive thoughts and happy belated birthday to Bill!