Lose a part, gain a part... Got my VAD (venous artial device) today. A relatively quick trip to the operating room and home again, home again jiggety jig. (That's part of a nursery rhyme my grandfather used to recite when I was little.) The OR team was great today: Debbie, Ann, Carol, Ginny, Rainey, Ed, Mark, and of course Dr. Mckee (left side, strong side - his quote from Remember the Titans.) I think there were a couple of other staffs in the actual OR but I had already been medicated by then. Dr. Marble stopped by to say hello, and fortify me by reminding me this procedure would be a breeze! Got the bland diet for tonight and laying low. I have another procedure tomorrow with some PT thrown in in the afternoon. Moving right along and feeling great about the progress. Your emails, comments, cards, flowers, food, magazines, and care packages make the difference in my days. It's an amazing group of people Bill and I know we have surrounding us.
Adding new adornments to yourself! Is this external or internal jewelry, or combo? ;)