Thursday, February 9, 2012

When The Hospital Is Where You Need To Be

So last week at this time I had been admitted on Wednesday evening, examined, poked for blood, scanned, and had so many bags of IV fluids/meds hanging by the time I got to a bed on a floor I had 8 yes 8 extra poinds on me.  Thought the bed scale was wrong.  The nurse said "Tracy honey I don't thing you realize what your IV stand looks like and how many fluids/meds are getting pushed into you." No sleep that night as the care/monitoring happened every two hours.  Plus there were two wailers on the floor, one man and one woman sounding terribly disoriented and crying out for help all night.  For me just a lot of thank yous to the wonderful people helping out with my care while there for a few days.  In the ER were Angela, Rich, Josh and Jenn my nurse.  Julie for x-ray. Really sweet Eric who was able to get blood cultures out of me and also provided transport when a room became available.  Drs. Martin and Litwack got me going in the right direction.  On the floor my nurses Kelli, Mark and Susan and the LNA's Phil, David, Danielle, Mary, and Heather.  Can't forget Renee the skilled PICC line inserter.   Rounding on me was the floor hospitalist Dr. Ruzek, and my amazing medical group of Drs. Marble, Mckee, Lee and Hammond.  All came by with smiles, words of encouragement and coordinated plans.  Bill told Dr. Lee I needed to get sprung to get back to the laundry.  Sprung I was on Friday night.  I came home with the PICC line and have been steadily improving.  Keeping a temp log and my body is leveling out toward normal.  I've had my post discharge appointments and next week I'll got for a revision in the OR on the 15th.  Another day I have to be there to get better.  Just a day trip so I'll be looking for good weather and sunshine when I get out that day.

1 comment:

  1. What is "back to normal" for this family? Are you strictly referring to body temperature... because that's about as "normal" as we get ;) hehehe, so glad to hear you are doing better! At least "winter" has held off and sunshine and good weather is highly likely! Love you!


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