This is my delivery bag. No crab rangoon only Daptomycin, saline, and Heparin. My supercut will not be a pretty hairstyle but a newly designed left boob. My preop was lengthy this morning, but successful. The home care nurse, Maureen, came tonight and drew blood, gave me a new extended line and took my vitals. The last of the check-ups for today. Tomorrow I'll arrive at the surgical unit at 9:45 and surgery should begin around 10:30ish. I hope to be back home by midafternoon. Bill isn't feeling so hot tonight so he went to sleep around 7:30. I am tanking up on water, but get the traditional shut off after midnight - not that I'll be awake... Even though this is not where I hoped to be, it is ok. The small area that didn't resolve itself appeared yesterday with a bit of necrosis so surgery is the need. I am so glad to have the team of folks I do, both at home, and at the hospital. I know I'll be well taken care of all through this next step. That's what this is just one step, one bump that I'll be past at this time tomorrow. If I had a fortune cookie in my delivery bag it would be "May life throw you a pleasant curve."
Like that last line,it fits so many times in your life. Take care my dear, Looking at the time 8:52, 10:30 am here you come. Love you both, the mother-in-law.