Me: Nothing. Just look at the screen. Smile.
Tracy: "What?"
Me: <click>
Tracy: "What?"
Me: "'What' ain't no country I ever heard of. They speak English in 'What'?... Say 'what' again. Say 'what' again. I dare you. I double-dare you... Say 'what', one more time..."
But - I digress...(Tracy absolutely hates that movie by the way and yes - I've edited the dialog.)
We just got back from visiting Tracy's mom, Betty up in Dover and took a "left" into Portsmouth to Breaking new Grounds, rather than a "right" towards North Hampton. A good day overall. I had PT at o'dark thirty this morning, and Tracy tagged along and did cardio while I bantered with the therapist who was mangling (manipulating) my shoulder and other upper arm parts. Oh - did I mention I have a not-so-rotating rotator cuff on the left side? Tracy has no sympathy. (some actually, but very little) No upper-body workouts for a month, just lower, core, and cardio. And - I also have a hang nail and a bump on my head from working getting the boat covered this past weekend. Like I said - not much sympathy coming from the other side..
Poor baby meaning Bill, hang nail and rotor cuff, that's a cake walk, ha ha. Looking good Tracy..from the mother-in-law...