Since the middle point of Tracy’s treatment schedule, she had been in a physical fitness program called “Wellfit” at Synergy Fitness & Health ( Well, we learned it was to be canceled at the end of July (funding issues), but that if she wanted, she could join as a full member at a special rate. We talked about it, and decided to both join (me in an exercise club – ha) so as to keep each other honest (keeping me honest is more like it I think), and to get back to those pre-college days of six-packs (abs, not beers). Not only did we get a reduced rate, but Tracy had no initial fee to pay. $$$ savings all around. The way I figured it, I could justify / realize almost half the cost of the membership by eliminating bagels and fritters. Bagels, by the way, are the trivets used underneath the new USDA MyPlate (the replacement for the Food Pyramid). You just don’t see them, but they are there keeping things spinning freely. Trust me. Oh – and I also found out that Dunkin Donuts apple fritters are apparently *not* considered a fruit. Who knew??

Anyway – you be the judge(s). I think we looked good today. So there.
Love those pink tights, can you unbend? When you come to visit and all I see are your feet, OMG. Green suit is,well I can't find the words, love the Mother-in-law...