Friday, June 21, 2013

Deja vu all over again...

June 2010
puckered skin...
We're baaaaaaaack.

Sort of got taken aback this morning here at EH. One of the pesky residual things left over from Tracy's #8 surgical procedure is what appears to be a pocket of fluid which has not been absorbed over time. Today's fun & games is a trip to the Imaging center in the Women's Health facility here at Exeter Hospital. The plan is to  poke Tracy with a large needle guided by ultrasound to hopefully aspirate any remaining fluid.

Yep - loads of fun there. ( NOT )

June 2013
3 rounds of chemo,
1 round of radiation,
8 surgeries later...
What caught us off guard is that the waiting room the staff put us in is the same room in which we were planted on the day Tracy had her initial biopsy done resulting in her original diagnosis. I asked if they had another room (karma thing). They said no.

Same decorations.  Same plants. Same plum colored johnny. Same nurse. Same couch. Almost three years to the day.

Much to think about as well as be thankful. 2013 is the year we finally are able to climb out if this hole.  

1 comment:

  1. Boy you don't look a bit older either one of you. Take care now and have some fun, the mother and mother-in-law...


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