Tuesday, July 10, 2012


My thank yous for your support are sincere and so deeply heartfelt.  Bill can tell you how the most simple memory can bring me to tears.  I mean the good tears.  The tears that release the grasp of those thoughts of cancer and having it control ones life.  As you know I've had a hard time getting my thoughts put into print again, but by no means does it reflect what has been going on in my heart, my head, my prayers.  I hold oh so dear Denise and Belinda who faced concerns over their lady parts. xoxo  Both faced surgery, one faced radiation after.  There is dear Dr Marble who just lost her beloved father-in-law to bladder cancer.  For Kelly who had the worrisome, but thankfully benign breast lump.  For Gail's stubborn Don with a worrisome lung nodule.  So many people to fight for, pray for, support, love and just be there when needed.  May the power of the fight but far reaching and ever powerful.  Thank you all so much for fighing, praying, and supporting right along with me.


  1. Tracy, you are in our thoughts and prayers every day. You are very courageous to share your feelings through your blog.

    I remember how my Dad was overwhelmed by his experience with cancer in 1985-86. It was a complete life change for him and my mother.

    Peter and Peggy

    He had counted on his retirement for years and was not able to enjoy it.

  2. Your light shines so brightly and your courage continues to inspire. Thank you for your big, generous heart. Much love, Belinda


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