Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Well it's been a challenging couple of weeks.  We buried my mother just the other day and we'll continue to support my dad as we march down the path of life.  He is doing well.  He is swimming three days a week again and is progressing with making his new normal. 
I have continued with wound care.  Each week has brought me a little closer to no open wounds.  The picture is of the ointments, bandages, and skin care liquids that I have broken out  twice a day.  The wound on my right stalled according to Dr. Kelly on Monday.  By now if you have followed along that means I get a trip back to someone else.  I saw Dr. Marble yesterday.  We talked briefly about more time taking care of the wound or being in a place to get the revision.  Wound care did well by me as it brought me forward enough to not end up in the OR again.  Dr. Marble thought a couple of stiches and I'd be on my way - or would I like to think about it and come back another day with Bill?  Nope had my boot straps pulled up, took the local numbing shots, and 4 stiches later I was done.  My wound care is a little different for the stiches, a simple process of bacitracin and clean dressing.  I can have a shower tomorrow and back to see Dr. Marble on a weekly basis until healed.  All good stuff. 

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