Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tuesday. Check. Check.

Got to see Dr. Marble and Sue today.  Always good for the female heart.  They know Bill well by now so they can exchange stories of cooking for the holidays and caregiving like I wasn't even in the room.  LOL!  I received my hall pass for another two weeks.  She'll see me again, and of course I have every intention of laying low like she told me and making sure I avoid the OR at the next appointment as well.  It was weird because when we arrived today, we were politely waiting in the waiting room and another patient came out to tell her husband she needed to go back to the OR tomorrow for her revision.  I quitely began my inner voice mantra of "Not me.  Not my story.  I won't need a revision."  Power to the positive!  So on with the antibiotics and I will just enjoy the extra yogurt in the power smoothies Bill makes for me.  Let's see I'll start tomorrow with a blueberry peach mango combo....

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! Good to go . . slowly! Glad it's all positive!


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