Monday, March 14, 2011

Peace Of Mind

We got to spend the weekend with Jeremy and Taylor.  There is a place in the middle of nowhere we like to go.  We haven't been there - just the four of us - since the guys were little.  The silence of the woods is deafening and it promotes good sleep, good eating, good scrabble games, good puzzle making, good down time and peace of mind.  Having these two amazing young men with us refreshes our resolve as we fight the fight and face the next phase of treatment.  We know in our hearts the world still goes on and we are glad they are in it contributing to our peace of mind.  They know it 'cause we tell them all the time, and I'll say it here again - we are proud of them and love them very much.

1 comment:

  1. Got to love that family, and the pic of the guys is great. Happy we are related. Love from the older family member...


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