Phew. Two months in and we are now officially into Weeks 9 through 21… Like the first two months of the Dose Dense regimen, the Taxol is being delivered more often than the “normal” three week interval. Tracy’s getting a slightly lower dose every week instead. This means a more invasive schedule, but theoretically with a lessor set of side effects.

First –wtf is Taxol. Here is a refresher… It was originally derived from the bark of the Pacific Yew tree. ( Really, not even kidding, And it if that was still the source, it would take about two full sized trees to be processed for *each* dose – after they reach maturity – which is about at 125 years of age.

What most non-Oncologists would hear: “Blah blah blah normal blah cell cycle blah blah.” The short version is that it is used as part of the AC-T regimen to inhibit the formation of new tumors. So – one week down – eleven to go.
We did venture out today for a bit – and that was interesting. Tracy’s stamina level has morphed into a very interesting reverse logarithmic curve. It starts out high, and then drops off really quickly (and I mean quickly). While in Barnes & Noble today, I had to grab her (non-surgical) arm to steady her. We both came to the very quick conclusion that we were done shopping for the day – right there. A quick hustle to the checkout counter and in the car.
Well – enough for now. Time to call it a day (yes it’s only 9:00 PM or so EST) but the week is already shaping up to be a corker – again. More to come in the next few days.
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